Initial enquiry
Enquiries come in many different forms, shapes and sizes. Once Puffin have established contact and understood your requirements, which is often an interative process, we'll put together a quote based on our understanding of the scope, any restrictions and time constraints. This will give you an idea of costs and output.
Our quote
Our quote will take into account an initial Risk Assessment - this is necessary for us to be aware of any issues - particularly if Puffin are deploying drones.
Our quotes also give you a password to access our Operational Safety Case, our competency documentation and Insurances. The quote will confirm the scope of the work and in particular, the deliverables of the work. Our quote may need to include a site visit for certain jobs to help with the preparation of workshops or risk assessment
We will also make it clear when you can expect to recieve our work, reports and models
When we receive your order
Puffin undertake a detailed risk assessment for the work, confirm delivery dates for the work and liaise with you for any preparation work which needs to be undertaken. If the scopes include external drone work, we seek all necessary permissions we require, we monitor the weather leading up to the job an plan for any inclement weather patterns and offer working solutions
Our delivery
When it comes to work delivery, this can vary greatly - but our goto documents are our quote, scoping documents and operational Risk Assessment. As part of processing your order we will have created a thorough RAMS document
Before any site work is undertaken, we must complete an operational risk assessment - we do this for all work, but is particularly important for drone work - where we must check airspace classifications and restrictions, NOTAMS and potentially seek other permissions. Whilst on site, we are constantly reviewing risks and updating plans as necessary and keeping you informed
Conclusion of the work
Based on the agreed scope, Puffin will ensure the reports, models, workshop outputs or whatever else we agreed to deliver is done so promptly and to your satisfaction. Reports are usually provided as PDF with other documents provided in editable formats where appropriate. We provide downloadable copies of all workshop output, photographs, orthographs and models - we usually keep these for 3 months after this we destroy them unless there is a hosting agreement in place. All downloads provided by secure OneDrive links